Werner has over 30 years of international experience in humanitarian and development aid in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Balkans. He lived and worked for more than 20 years in various parts of the globe (stationed in Equatorial Guinea, Laos, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Honduras, Costa Rica and Bosnia Herzegovina).
Werner’s most recent thematic focus with Social Investors Partners has been on children’s education, vocational training and youth unemployment. During his career with UNHCR and the ICRC, Werner led major relief and rehabilitation operations in Central America and the Balkans, where he was responsible for the conceptualization and implementation of large-scale aid programs; the programs covered multiple sectors (education, health, legal rights, sanitation, shelter, nutrition) for large target populations.
For such programs to succeed, Werner repeatedly led the negotiations with governments at all levels, as well as NGOs, donors, aid and development agencies worldwide. He has also been in charge of fundraising and donor relations. Furthermore, his expertise includes the management of microfinance projects.
Werner can help you to develop multi-stakeholder solutions to the issues that you are passionate about. He brings over 30 years of international experience in humanitarian and development aid to help navigate the complexities of your philanthropic engagements, and can accompany you to the field to get closer to the issues and understand how you can improve the long-term impact of your support.